
The JRebel ZIP archive can be downloaded from the JRebel previous releases page. For command line download there is a convenience download URL that points to the latest stable JRebel release archive.

curl -O

This is an alternative distribution method. It can be used when no dedicated plugin is provided for your favourite IDE. The archive includes the complete JRebel install directory. Simply unpack the archive to a location of your choice. After unpacking, it would be wise to setup the environment variables. You will make use of it later as you configure JRebel for your application server and project.

JRebel comes bundled with 64 and 32 bit versions for Windows, macOS and Linux. The agent libraries can be found in the lib folder.

Windows 64-bit JDK


Windows 32-bit JDK


Mac OS X 64-bit JDK


Linux 64-bit JDK


Linux 32-bit JDK


For more information about the agent setup and license installation, see server configuration and license setup.