IDE Notifications for Licensing



LS: agent fails to get a license on startup

If the JRebel agent or IDE has started, then the license from License Server must be fetched. JRebel license server failure may occur due to a blocked user, adding IP restrictions, etc.

Commercial license expired

If the JRebel license has expired, renew a license or enter license information in the activation dialog box and then restart the IDE.

Trial ended

If the JRebel trial has expired, purchase a license and enter license information in the activation dialog box to continue using JRebel.

License about to expire

The JRebel license is about to expire in ‘x’ days. Notification is shown 5 days before a license expiry. Renew or purchase a license to continue using JRebel.

Offline seat expiry, LS online

JRebel online seat is about to expire. Notification is shown 1 day before the license expiry. Renew the license and continue using JRebel.

Offline seat expiry, LS offline

JRebel offline seat is about to expire. Notification is shown 1 day before the license expiry. Renew the license and continue using JRebel.

Offline seat renewal error

The JRebel offline license failed to acquire an offline seat from the License Server. Check the log error details in the JRebel Console and jrebel-$ide.log file.

IDE Notifications for Onboarding and Education



Getting started

Get started with JRebel by activating the JRebel trial.

JRebel activated

JRebel is activated. The user can configure projects and applications for JRebel by:

  • Adding the rebel.xml configuration file to the project.

  • Enabling remote server support by adding rebel-remote.xml to the project.

No projects nor servers have JRebel enabled

No projects or servers are configured. Open JRebel Configuration to configure and enable JRebel for projects.

First reload

You have JRebel working and JRebel saved your first redeploy.

New version available

A new JRebel version is available to download.

IDE Notifications for rebel.xml



Errors in rebel.xml

Errors or warnings occurred while reading rebel.xml and appear only once at the time IDE runs. For example:

  • Warning: Duplicate dir element.

  • Error: Broken xml.

Check JRebel Console for details on the error message.

IDE Notifications for Miscellaneous



Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score is a widely used research metric based on survey questions asking the customers how likely they are to recommend JRebel to others on a scale of 0 - 10.

Embedded support dialog: sending succeeded

Get in touch with the JRebel support team by describing the issue in the embedded support dialog box.

Embedded support dialog: sending failed

Fail to send the support ticket to the JRebel support team. Describe the issue for JRebel support and provide more information on what went wrong by sending the JRebel log file to the support team at

Automatic publishing disabled

Automatic publishing is disabled for JRebel to prevent unintended automatic redeploys.

Automatic publishing restored

Restore automatic publishing for JRebel to deploy applications.